Besides the fact that PARIKSHAN Online Testing system works well for any device, operating system and browser, there is one clear advantage in academic aspects which is the fact that all Tests on PARIKSHAN ONLINE are tried and tested in the classroom environment with the brightest students in one of the leading coaching institutes for JEE and NEET in Western India viz. IITian’s Prashikshan Kendra Pvt. Ltd. The quality and authenticity of the Tests is therefore par excellence. Most other ONLINE Tests either focus too much on technological aspects and marketing the product rather than the core academic quality of the Tests. You also get projected Percentiles and Ranks based on your absolute performance using our deep data analysis of past 3 years statistics of Entrance exams. Most other Online Tests use relative performance of the limited number of students to predict Ranks and Percentiles which has proven to be fairly inaccurate in the past.
We encourage you to attempt a Free Test for MHT-CET, JEE MAINS and NEET by clicking on the respective link on the HOME page. Fill in the details i.e. your name, mobile number and e-mail ID and press the Submit button. Read the instructions carefully and start giving the test.
The PARIKSHAN Online practice tests can be given from anywhere in the world where internet connection is available. Once registered, you can give any test at any time as PARIKSHAN is accessible 24 x 7.
YES ! The user can give PARIKSHAN Online practice tests using any of the devices listed above with the use of internet connection and the active-data plan.
The PARIKSHAN Online tests can be given using almost all the leading browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari etc.
There is no such specific requirement of the type of internet connection. But we recommend to use either a broadband or 3G or 4G or 5G internet connection so as to experience a better performance as the data-transfer rate is higher for the same.
The account will remain active for 365 days from the date of Registration.
One can attempt a particular test only once. Later on, one can see the performance in the test along with the correct answers and solutions until the account is active.
One can see the performance in any previously attempted test any number of times along with the correct answers to the questions and their solutions until the account is active. The account will remain active until the date of respective examination in the current academic year.
No. You cannot download the Tests and solutions to the questions of PARIKSHAN Online Tests. However, you can view it any number of times on the platform.
NO. PARIKSHAN Tests can be given online only and internet connection is mandatory to access Online Tests.
No. You cannot take the printout of the tests and solutions of PARIKSHAN Online Tests.
Yes, all the tests are to be given in a specified time. After the user starts to attempt the test, the time remaining will be displayed on the top-right side of the window. User must attempt all the questions within this time. The test gets submitted automatically after the time is over. If the user finishes attempting all the questions before time, then the test can be submitted by clicking on the Submit Test Button.
No, the time to download the questions does not get counted in the time to attempt the test. The countdown of the time starts every time only after the complete question gets downloaded.
It is mandatory to have Internet connection at the START and while SUBMITTING the test. If the internet connection goes off while attempting the test in between then it will not at all affect the test. You need to simply confirm that the Internet Connection is there while submitting the test OR when the time for test gets over.
After the registered user logs in, the control panel will be displayed. User can view the summary report in which the number of tests purchased for each examination, the number of tests attempted and number of tests available is displayed. User can use the Attempt Test Button in the control panel and then either select the name of chapter after selecting the subject for chapter-wise tests or simply click on the test name for Full-portion Test and then can start giving the respective Test.
The Result of the test will be available immediately on submitting the Test i.e. on clicking the submit Test Button. The Marks obtained in the submitted test will be displayed along with the option to View the detailed performance. On clicking View detailed performance option, the user can check what was the correct answer of each question, what was the answer given by the user and the detailed solution of the same.
Yes, you can see the correct answers and detailed solutions of all the questions after submitting the respective test.